Hier ist Sanaphantastron!

Infos zum Titel 04: 'Girls And Heroes'

Bass Synth, Melody Synth,
Drum Sampler: DS1
Guitar (a cheap Fender copy):
played by Che Guitare
Vocal: Natural-Voice-Synthesis,
modified with Audacity
Final Mix: Audacity
Rhythm: Rock style - 135 bpm
Genre: Technica
Year of recording: 2010


Simple and reliable roles.
Models, girls, women, grandma's.
Heroes, boys, men, grandpa's.
Or are there any objections?



Girls just want heroes, heroes do they want!
Boys just want models, models do they want!
Girls are playing model, and boys are playing heroe.
So simple and reliable are these roles!

Women just want heroes, heroes do they want!
Men just want models, models do they want!
And girls are playing model, and boys are playing heroe.
So simple and reliable are these roles!

Grandmas just want heroes, heroes do they want!
Grandpas just want models, models do they want!
And girls are playing model, and boys are playing heroe.
So simple and reliable are these roles!

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